Friday Friday!


Did you know it’s Friday? It is! I am no longer in classes anymore – so my whole week is getting mixed up and I forget what day is what!!

Don’t worry. I’ll be back at work soon.

I thought I would just leave you with a couple of things that are cheery. You know – just because it is Friday. and Fridays have great potential for cheerfulness.

First? My friend’s gorgeous old German Shepherd.

Meet Tonka

He’s a sweet boy.

Speaking of sweet boys…

I get to hug and love my most favorite sweet boy Willy next week as I head back home for Christmas!

Want something else cheery for your December Friday?

A dear friend of mine who I have known since I was in the womb! (seriously…our moms were friends…and I was born a short 2 weeks before her) has a LOVELY website. She has just recently moved with her husband to Scotland while he goes to school.

You should really check it out! Click this right here. Yes Right here. My friend Bethany at Page and Crumb dot com.

And with that – I reeeeallly like you all. Remember that! Enjoy your Friday!

What are your plans for the weekend?? Tell me your stories!

5 responses to “Friday Friday!

  1. Willllllllly! Love that snout. And Tonka? Great name for a German Shephard. Have a lovely weekend!

  2. We like you too! Those dogs are both adorable πŸ™‚

  3. Jenny!!!! I was just looking at an old blog post and saw your comment and realized you dropped off the face of the blog-planet! I miss you! Hope you’re doing well πŸ™‚

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